Friday, September 30


Motivation; the motivation to get things going, to do something that you might not like, but still continue to do it with your best effort - the driving force which humans achieve their goals and rewards.

I'm not sure about how you guys motivate yourself, but generally, there are two types of ways to motivate yourselves. Positive, and Negative. i could go all scientific and all, but i guess i'd refrain from it unless someone asked me, to prevent you guys from the bore of my blog. (that people probably dont even read. sadly)

  You motivate yourselves negatively, when you see how horrible you are, and how much someone else is better than you. In attempt to compete against, or be better than that person, you motivate yourself to work. Generally, most people tend to motivate themselves negatively, this brings down yourself and increases your kia-su-ness (AKA competitive spirit) some might say this is good, some say its bad, but that up for you to decide. :3

Positively? You tell yourself your good, you can do it. You HAVE to do it, because its you, you WILL be able to do it. This builds up pride. loads of pride. pride is good, but you must know where you stand in life, and showing off is definitely a no-no.

Generally, i motivate myself positively, i tell myself i'm good and i can do it.

Since exams are coming up, i thought i'd share a bit about motivation. Yes!! you can do it! good luck!




Be better than you were yesterday, know something today that you didn't know yesterday, and lastly, have fun during the process, because, as human's its impossible to be the best.

Just bein' realistic yow. ;)

Wednesday, September 28

Custom Made Shoes

Hi! Since the exams are around the corner, and i'm practically the laziest person alive, i haven't updated my blog! yes yes yes, i'm a badd girl. :)

Anyways, just wanna share what i found.

Its a place to customize your own shoes, its kinda expensive, but if your reech, go for it~ ;D

Ngahahhahhahhahahaha kthxbai. <3 <3

Thursday, September 15

My Bornday

HEY guys! as ya'll know (you probably should) that yesterday (14th september) was my birthday!

Lets just say that birthday's are the day where people tell you happy birthday, eat cake and appreciate that we were born into this world. To celebrate our parents hard work coming out of our mommies uterus and somehow metamorphs from a cute angel into a demon. Think of all the commitment and love our parents had on us and give them a hug, cause it probably wasn't easy raising us!

   Anyways back to me (cause its all about me me me me me! haha no jk.), I usually don't have very big birthdays, i don't usually celebrate it, nor do i eat cake; but this year was amazing. I have to say that i have many awesome events that have happened and are going to continue to happen during my life; but seriously, this is the best birthday I've ever had!! I probably didn't receive any presents today, its fine, cause that's definitely not the point of birthdays; but i had so many people wishing me today. Everywhere i went, like, almost every 10 seconds, i would be stopped by numerous people through the corridors and hallways just to be wished and sang happy birthday to! I was probably wished like 300++ times, and i probably heard the "Happy Birthday Song" like 20 times- and all in a big group, every class i went people sang and sang and sang. I just feel so special! hahahah! and its all thanks to this-

Aww!! my awesome friends told Mr. Mark (AKA head of international) about my birthday! GAHH i love my friends! i was so friggin touched!! like AWWW!! I swear to you, everyone was soo intentionally nice to me on this day ( well they are usually nice, but i do get bullied, SEMI-bullied)

But yeah. i was given a 4 macaroons, A elmo cupcake and a burger toy. I would've taken pictures, but they were devoured instantly by a monster called Ee Lynn.

After school, i had dinner with my mommy in Pavillion. Didn't take pictures, as i was too much of a pig!

Photoshop Editing of the Day~ Alison Chow! :)

Anyways, toodles noodles!! thanks for reading!!

P/S. someone told me my blog has too many pictures and too little words; but i should probably keep the pictures coming and the words increasing, but i'm just getting too lazy to bring my camera out. byeess!

Thursday, September 1

1st of September

Its the 1st of September!! 14 days till my birthday! so excited! weehee. :D